Avanzas Design system is three parts that work symbiotic together.
The three parts working together is the organisational part, the actual design (UX & UI) part and, of course, the code part. One can not exist cohesive without the other. In this case presentation I’ll try to show the different parts but mostly the organisational and design parts. These two parts are the ones I’ve worked with the most.
So, what have I done in all of this? I’ve made most of the components in the library, made the most of the illustrations and icons. I led the UI team to get a cohesive UI. I also worked with the education part a lot and made all the “how to” videos. I worked a lot with naming the components and I’ve written A LOT of the documentation on Mint. And a whole lot more. Hit me up and I can talk about design systems until the sun goes down.
You can read more in this article I’ve written about our design system (in Swedish) here: https://medium.com/avanza-tech/v%C3%A5r-resa-till-ett-designsystemteam-6acc72c3d31a
It’s difficult to explain 3,5 years of building something from scratch where you’ve been highly involved.